Sports Bookie Salary - How Much Does a Bookie Make From Betting?

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There are a lot of confusion about bookie salary and who pays it. Many people have the wrong idea that they are the ones who decide what it is and they get to deduct their expenses from their income taxes. That's not true; it's the government that decides what it's going to be and if you think that you're being clever by not paying any taxes, you're wrong. Anyone can learn more on how to calculate their own personal books, including their own personal bookie salary, because there is a whole lot of information available on the Internet.

When you add up the wages of all the people who work at a casino and then add up their profits, you will find that they made about forty-seven million dollars last year alone. If you take all of the cardrooms together their bookies only make about twenty-five percent of that money. Now this doesn't mean that they don't earn a great deal of money. The casino owners make millions of dollars off of the card players that visit them and they each pay their own taxes and the state taxes that they owe. So there is no way that they are getting away with not paying their share. But, on the other hand it is very easy for the individual bookie to calculate their own books.


Now you may think that you're getting away with paying no taxes because the government allows bookies to deduct their gambling losses. However that's not the case. The Internal Revenue Service has set limits and regulations that prevent bookies from using these losses to pay per head fees. This means that the tax-free profits that they make can only go towards their own benefits and not to help the state fund. This is in violation of the law and is illegal.


So what's the big secret on how you can calculate your own bookie salary? One of the best ways to do it is to use a program called a sportsbook pay per head. It will perform all the math for you and it will determine which transactions you can take advantage of to lower your taxes. It will also help you figure out which games you should avoid lowering your betting bankroll.


Here's another tip that will help you figure out just how much your pay per head is. If you were to ask different bookies for their exact pay then you would probably get some answers that are very similar. For example, one may say that their annual salary is around twenty thousand dollars and another may say that they make between eighteen and twenty-five thousand dollars per year. The difference between those two figures is usually the commissions that each one takes.


These commissions are where most of the learning comes from. Most bookies will not make any more than twenty or thirty percent of the overall bet amount because of the fees that they have to pay. Therefore, if you want to figure out how much you will be raking in for yourself and your team then make sure that you check out the different commission rates that bookies have in order to ensure that you are not paying too much for your bets. That is why it is very important that you set your odds to make sure that you are not losing money on your bets. Click here for more info: